§ 64.1-14. Extension of time until after determination of suit forconstruction of will or extent of augmented estate.
If (i) a will is of doubtful import as to the amount or value of the propertythe husband or wife of the testator is to receive thereunder or (ii) thecomposition or value of the augmented estate is uncertain, and a suit inequity is pending wherein such issues will be resolved, the court in whichthe suit is pending shall, within the six-month period specified in §64.1-13, on the application of the surviving spouse, enter an order extendingthe time within which the survivor is to make claim for an elective share forsuch additional period beyond the six-month period as will allow the survivorreasonable time, not to exceed ninety days, for making the claim for anelective share after a final order has been entered in such suit, either by atrial court or any appellate court to which it is appealed.
(Code 1950, § 64-14; 1968, c. 656; 1990, c. 831.)