§ 64.1-16.3. Statutory rights barred by desertion or abandonment.
A. If a husband or wife willfully deserts or abandons his or her spouse andsuch desertion or abandonment continues until the death of the spouse, theparty who deserted the deceased spouse shall be barred of all interest in theestate of the other by intestate succession, elective share, exempt property,family allowance, and homestead allowance.
B. If a parent willfully deserts or abandons his or her minor orincapacitated child and such desertion or abandonment continues until thedeath of the child, the parent shall be barred of all interest in the estateof the child by intestate succession unless the parent resumes the parentalrelationship and duties and such parental relationship and duties continueuntil the death of the child.
(1990, c. 831; 1992, c. 795.)