§ 64.1-119. Oath and bond of administrator; when grant to cease.
Before any grant of administration, as of the estate of an intestate, theperson to whom it is granted shall, in the court or before the clerk grantingit, give bond and take an oath that the deceased has left no will, so far ashe knows, and that he will faithfully perform the duties of his office to thebest of his judgment. Such oath may be taken on behalf of a corporation byits president, a vice-president, secretary, treasurer or trust officer. If awill of the decedent be afterwards admitted to record, or if, afteradministration is granted to a creditor or other person than a distributee,any distributee who shall not have before refused shall apply foradministration, there may be a grant of probate or administration, afterreasonable notice to such creditor or other person, in like manner as if theformer grant had not been made; and the former grant shall thereupon cease.
(Code 1950, § 64-115; 1968, c. 656.)