§ 64.1-132. Disposition by sheriff of property when no person entitledthereto.
If any sheriff shall lawfully come into possession of any money or otherpersonal property of any such deceased person whose death shall have occurredafter October 1, 1946, and no person entitled by law to such money orproperty is known or can by reasonable diligence be ascertained, suchproperty shall within two years thereafter be sold by such sheriff at publicauction after posting notices in three or more public places in his county orcity for ten days, or in his discretion after advertisement for ten days byone insertion in a newspaper published or having general circulation in suchcounty or city, and the proceeds thereof together with any such money, afterthe payment of all necessary expenses, shall be paid by such sheriff into thestate treasury to the credit of the Literary Fund.
(Code 1950, § 64-125; 1968, c. 656; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 155.)