§ 64.1-151.6. Waiver.
The right of a surviving spouse to a homestead allowance in the estate of adeceased spouse as provided in § 64.1-151.3 may be waived during the deceasedspouse's lifetime only by execution of a marital or premarital agreement inaccordance with Chapter 8 (§ 20-147 et seq.) of Title 20 or by execution of awaiver provided (i) the waiver is in writing, (ii) the language of the waivermentions homestead allowance in conspicuous language, and (iii) the waiverhas been signed by the surviving spouse.
The right to the family allowance and exempt articles allowance, as providedin §§ 64.1-151.1 and 64.1-151.2, may be waived during the deceased spouse'slifetime only by execution of a marital or premarital agreement made inaccordance with Chapter 8 (§ 20-147 et seq.) of Title 20.
(1990, c. 831.)