§ 64.1-180. Form for notice to show cause under § 64.1-179.
Any notice to show cause published or posted in pursuance of the requirementsof § 64.1-179 may be substantially in the form following:
Virginia: In the .................... Court of ............
the ...... day of ......
Re: .........., deceased.
It appearing that a report of the accounts of .........., Personal
Representative of the estate of .........., deceased, and of the debts and
demands against (his) (her) estate has been filed in the Clerk's Office, and
that six months have elapsed since the qualification, on motion of
.........., (a distributee;) (a legatee;) (the personal representative;) IT IS
ORDERED that the creditors of, and all others interested in, the estate do
show cause, if any they can, on the ........ day of .......... (before this
Court at its courtroom,) (before the Judge of this Court in vacation at
............ against the payment and delivery of the Estate of ..........,
deceased, to (the distributees) (the legatees) (without requiring refunding
bonds) (with or without refunding bonds as the Court prescribes).
A Copy - Teste:
.............., p.q.
(Code 1950, § 64-170; 1968, c. 656.)