§ 65.2-1303. Regional peer review committees.
A. The Statewide Coordinating Committee shall establish a regional peerreview committee in each health systems area. Each regional peer reviewcommittee shall be composed of five physicians appointed by the StatewideCoordinating Committee from nominations submitted by The Medical Society ofVirginia. Each committee member shall practice in the health systems area andhave patients the costs of whose treatment is reimbursed in whole or in partpursuant to this title. The term of each member of each regional peer reviewcommittee shall be established by the Statewide Coordinating Committee.
B. The term of the members of any regional peer review committee shall lapse,if such committee fails to meet within 60 days following the written requestof the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission for such committee to hold ameeting. Vacancies created by this subsection shall be filled in the samemanner as the original appointments and shall be for the unexpired terms.
(1980, c. 444, § 65.1-156; 1991, c. 355; 2004, c. 1000.)