§ 65.2-203. Powers and duties of deputy commissioners and bailiffs.
A. Deputy commissioners shall have the power to subpoena witnesses,administer oaths, take testimony and hear the parties at issue and theirrepresentatives and witnesses, decide the issues in a summary manner, andmake an award carrying out the decision. Deputies may exercise other powersand perform any duties of the Commission delegated to them by the Commission.
B. The bailiffs of the Commission shall, in all matters within thejurisdiction of the Commission, have the powers, discharge the functions, andperform the duties of a sheriff under the law. They shall preserve orderduring the public sessions of the Commission; may make arrests and serve andmake return on any writ or process awarded by the Commission; and shallexecute any writ, order, or process of execution awarded upon the findings orjudgments of the Commission in any matter within its jurisdiction. Theyshall exercise other powers and perform any duties as may be delegated tothem.
(Code 1950, §§ 65-10.1, 65-14; 1960, c. 287; 1962, c. 339; 1968, c. 660, §§65.1-12, 65.1-13; 1971, Ex. Sess., c. 155; 1991, c. 355.)