§ 65.2-524. Failure to pay compensation within two weeks after it becomes due.
If any payment is not paid within two weeks after it becomes due, there shallbe added to such unpaid compensation an amount equal to twenty percentthereof, unless the Commission finds that any required payment has been madeas promptly as practicable and (i) there is good cause outside the control ofthe employer for the delay or (ii) in the case of a self-insured employer,the employer has issued the required payment to the employee as a part of thenext regular payroll after the payment becomes due. No such penalty shall beadded, however, to any payment made within two weeks after the expiration of(i) the period in which Commission review may be requested pursuant to §65.2-705 or (ii) the period in which a notice of appeal may be filed pursuantto § 65.2-706. No penalty shall be assessed against the Commonwealth when theCommonwealth has issued a regular payroll check to the employee in lieu ofcompensation covering the period of disability.
(1970, c. 470, § 65.1-75.1; 1991, c. 355; 1994, c. 248; 1997, c. 383; 1999,c. 782.)