§ 65.2-601.1. Effect of filing claim; stay of debt collection activities byhealth care providers.
A. Whenever an employee makes a claim pursuant to § 65.2-601, all health careproviders, as defined in § 8.01-581.1, shall refrain from all debt collectionactivities relating to medical treatment received by the employee inconnection with such claim until an award is made on the employee's claimpursuant to § 65.2-704. The statute of limitations for collection of suchdebt shall be tolled during the period in which the applicable health careprovider is required to refrain from debt collection activities hereunder.
B. For the purpose of this section, "debt collection activities" meansrepeatedly calling or writing to the employee and threatening either to turnthe matter over to a debt collection agency or to an attorney for collection,enforcement or filing of other process. The term shall not include routinebilling or inquiries about the status of the claim.
(1994, c. 462.)