§ 65.2-824. Disclosures not required of State Corporation Commission;liability for acts or omissions.
A. The State Corporation Commission shall not be required to disclose to anyperson, including the applicant or policyholder, its reasons for:
1. Refusing to assign an application;
2. Approving the rejection of an application by an insurance carrier;
3. Approving the cancellation of a workers' compensation policy by aninsurance carrier; or
4. Refusing to approve the renewal or the reassignment of an expiring policy.
B. The State Corporation Commission shall not nor shall anyone acting for itbe held liable for any act or omission in connection with the administrationof the duties imposed upon it by the provisions of this chapter, except uponproof of actual malfeasance.
(Code 1950, § 65-114.5; 1956, c. 358; 1968, c. 660, § 65.1-123; 1991, c. 355.)