§ 66-10. Powers and duties of Board.
The Board shall have the following powers and duties:
1. To develop and establish programmatic and fiscal policies governing theoperation of programs and facilities for which the Department is responsibleunder this law.
2. To ensure the development and implementation of a long-range youthservices policy.
3. To review and comment on all budgets and requests for appropriations forthe Department prior to their submission to the Governor and on allapplications for federal funds.
4. To monitor the activities of the Department and its effectiveness inimplementing the policies of the Board.
5. To advise the Governor, Director and the General Assembly on mattersrelating to youth services.
6. To promulgate such regulations as may be necessary to carry out theprovisions of this title and other laws of the Commonwealth administered bythe Director or the Department. The Board of Juvenile Justice may adopt suchBoard of Corrections' regulations and standards as it may deem appropriate.If regulations and standards so adopted are not amended substantively by theBoard of Juvenile Justice, such Board need not comply with the provisions ofArticle 2 (§ 2.2-4006 et seq.) of Chapter 40 of Title 2.2.
7. To ensure the development of programs to educate citizens and elicitpublic support for the activities of the Department.
8. To establish length-of-stay guidelines for juveniles indeterminatelycommitted to the Department and to make such guidelines available for publiccomment.
(1989, c. 733; 1990, c. 679; 1996, cc. 755, 914.)