§ 66-25.6. Board shall promulgate regulations; local school board exemption.
A. The Board shall make, adopt and promulgate regulations governing thefollowing aspects of private management and operation of juvenilecorrectional facilities:
1. Contingency plans for state operation of a contractor-operated facility inthe event of a termination of the contract;
2. Use of physical force and mechanical restraint by the contractors'security personnel;
3. Methods of monitoring a contractor-operated facility by the Department orthe Board;
4. Public access to a contractor-operated facility; and
5. Such other regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions ofthis chapter.
B. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to require local school boardsto provide educational services to juveniles while committed to a statejuvenile correctional facility.
(1996, cc. 795, 942.)