§ 66-14. Allowance for maintenance of children placed by Commonwealth inprivate homes, etc.
For the maintenance of each child committed to the custody of the Departmentpursuant to subdivision A 14 of § 16.1-278.8 and placed in a private home orin a facility other than one operated by the Commonwealth, there shall bepaid a per diem allowance which shall be established by the Department fromfunds appropriated to the Department for this purpose. The cost of such careshall not exceed that amount which would be incurred if the services requiredby the child were provided in a juvenile facility operated by the Department.
No child shall be placed outside the Commonwealth without first complyingwith the appropriate provisions of Chapters 10 (§ 63.2-1000 et seq.) and 11(§ 63.2-1100 et seq.) of Title 63.2 or with regulations of the State Board ofSocial Services relating to resident children placed out of the Commonwealth.
(Code 1950, §§ 53-325, 63-293, 63.1-240; 1952, c. 644; 1962, c. 437; 1968, c.578; 1970, c. 326; 1974, cc. 44, 45, 476; 1978, c. 309; 1981, c. 487; 1982,c. 636, § 53.1-239; 1989, c. 733; 1992, cc. 837, 880; 1993, cc. 232, 283;1996, cc. 587, 597.)