§ 66-20. Observation and treatment of mentally ill and mentally retardedchildren.
After commitment of any child to the Department, if the Department finds, asa result of psychiatric examinations and case study, that such child ismentally ill or mentally retarded, it shall be the duty of the Department toobtain treatment for the child's mental condition. If the Departmentdetermines that transfer to a state hospital, training center, or otherappropriate treatment facility is required to further diagnose or treat thechild's mental condition, the proceedings shall be in accordance with theprovisions of § 37.2-806 or §§ 16.1-341 through 16.1-345, except thatprovisions requiring consent of the child's parent or guardian for treatmentshall not apply in such cases. No child transferred to a state hospitalpursuant to this section or the provisions of Title 37.2 shall, however, beheld or cared for in any maximum security unit where adults determined to becriminally insane reside and such child shall be kept separate and apart fromsuch adults.
(Code 1950, § 53-329.1; 1977, c. 559; 1978, c. 739; 1981, c. 487; 1982, c.636, § 53.1-245; 1989, c. 733; 1990, c. 975.)