§ 66-25.1:4. Work release furlough.
The Director may, subject to rules and regulations prescribed by the Board,extend the limits of confinement of any offender participating in a workrelease program that is subject to the Director's authority to permit theoffender a furlough for the purpose of visiting his home or family. Suchfurlough shall be for a period to be prescribed by the Director, not toexceed three days.
In the event that the juvenile is committed to the Department as a seriousoffender pursuant to § 16.1-285.1, the juvenile shall not be approved for afurlough for the purpose of visiting his home or family without writtenapproval of the committing court.
Any offender who, without proper authority or without just cause, fails toremain within the limits of confinement set by the Director hereunder, orfails to return within the time prescribed to the place designated by theDirector in granting such authority, is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, andshall be ineligible for further participation in a work release programduring his current term of confinement. In the event such offender leaves theCommonwealth, the offender may be found guilty of an escape as provided in §18.2-477.
(2005, c. 648.)