§ 66-34. Youth services citizen boards; appointment and qualifications ofmembers.
Each county and city participating in a program funded by an approved grantshall be represented on a youth services citizen board. The board shall beappointed by the county or city governing body or combination thereof and mayinclude in its membership representative elected officials, representativesof public and private agencies serving youths, citizens not employed bygovernment or service agencies and at least one member who is below the ageof eighteen years. A majority of the board shall be citizens who are notemployed by government or service agencies and who are not electedgovernmental officials. The board shall actively participate with communityrepresentatives in the formulation of a comprehensive plan for thedevelopment, coordination and evaluation of the youth services program andshall make formal recommendations to the governing authority or authoritiesat least annually concerning the comprehensive plan and its implementationduring the ensuing year.
(Code 1950, § 53-342; 1979, c. 698; 1982, c. 636, § 53.1-259; 1989, c. 733;2000, c. 277.)