§ 67-1003. (Contingent effective date - see Editor's note) Requirements forgrants generally.
A. The Department shall establish an application process by which eligibleindividuals and corporations shall apply for a grant under this chapter, asfollows:
1. Eligible individuals and corporations may submit an application before theequipment is installed. In this case, the Department, within 14 days ofreceiving the application, shall notify the applicant as to whethersufficient moneys remain in the Fund to satisfy a potential grant award tothe applicant. The Department shall reserve such funds for the applicant forthe calendar year in which the applicant applies.
2. The application shall be filed with the director of the Department nolater than March 31 of the year following the calendar year in which suchproperty was placed in service. Failure to meet the filing deadline shallrender the applicant ineligible to receive a grant for photovoltaic property,solar water heating property, or wind-powered electrical generators placed inservice in the prior calendar year. For filings by mail, the postmarkcancellation shall govern the date of the filing determination.
B. In order to receive payment of grant funds, the applicant shall provideevidence, satisfactory to the Department, of the total installed cost of eachsystem of photovoltaic property, solar water heating property, orwind-powered electrical generators placed in service by such individual orcorporation in the prior calendar year.
C. As a condition of receipt of a grant, an eligible individual orcorporation shall make available to the Department for inspection uponrequest all relevant and applicable documents to determine whether therequirements for the receipt of grants as set forth in this chapter have beensatisfied.
D. An individual or corporation receiving a grant pursuant to this chapterfor a system of photovoltaic property, solar water heating property, orwind-powered electrical generators may not use such system as the basis forclaiming any other grant or credit against taxes, as provided under the Codeof Virginia or in an appropriation act.
(2006, c. 939; 2007, c. 789.)