§ 67-1201. Authority created; purpose.
The Virginia Offshore Wind Development Authority is created as a bodycorporate and a political subdivision of the Commonwealth and as such shallhave, and is vested with, all of the politic and corporate powers as are setforth in this chapter. The Authority is established for the purposes offacilitating, coordinating, and supporting the development, either by theAuthority or by other qualified entities, of the offshore wind energyindustry, offshore wind energy projects, and associated supply chain vendorsby collecting relevant metocean and environmental data, by identifyingexisting state and regulatory or administrative barriers to the developmentof the offshore wind energy industry, by working in cooperation with relevantlocal, state, and federal agencies to upgrade port and other logisticalfacilities and sites to accommodate the manufacturing and assembly ofoffshore wind energy project components and vessels, and by ensuring that thedevelopment of such projects is compatible with other ocean uses and avianand marine resources, including both the possible interference with andpositive effects on naval facilities and operations, NASA-Wallops FlightFacility operations, shipping lanes, recreational and commercial fisheries,and avian and marine species and habitats. The Authority shall, incooperation with the relevant state and federal agencies as necessary,recommend ways to encourage and expedite the development of the offshore windenergy industry. The Authority shall also consult with research institutions,businesses, nonprofit organizations, and stakeholders as the Authority deemsappropriate.
The Authority shall have only those powers enumerated in this chapter.
(2010, cc. 507, 681.)