§ 67-601. Functions, powers, and duties of the Consortium.
The Consortium shall serve as an interdisciplinary study, research, andinformation resource for the Commonwealth on coastal energy issues. As usedin this chapter, "coastal energy" includes wave or tidal action, currents,offshore winds, thermal differences, and methane hydrates. The Consortiumshall (i) consult with the General Assembly, federal, state, and localagencies, nonprofit organizations, private industry and other potential usersof coastal energy research; (ii) establish and administer agreements withother universities of the Commonwealth to carry out research projectsrelating to the feasibility of increasing the Commonwealth's reliance on alldomestic forms of coastal energy; (iii) disseminate new information andresearch results; (iv) apply for grants made available pursuant to federallegislation, including but not limited to the federal Methane HydrateResearch and Development Act of 2000, P.L. 106-193 and from other sources;and (v) facilitate the application and transfer of new coastal energytechnologies.
(2006, c. 939; 2009, c. 575.)