§ 8.01-343. Appointment of jury commissioners.
The judge of each circuit court in which juries are impaneled shall, prior tothe first day of July in each year, appoint for the next ensuing year endingon the following first day of July not less than two nor more than fifteenpersons as jury commissioners, who shall be competent to serve as jurorsunder the provisions of this chapter, and shall be citizens of intelligence,morality, and integrity. The judge of the circuit court of a county havingthe urban county executive form of government may appoint jury commissionersat any time prior to the first day of November in each year. Any one judge ofthe judicial circuit may make such appointment under this section. Nopracticing attorney-at-law, however, shall be appointed as a jurycommissioner. Such appointment shall be certified by the judge to the clerkof the court for which the appointment is made, who shall enter the same onthe civil order book of such court. No jury commissioner shall be eligible toreappointment for at least three years after the expiration of the year forwhich he was appointed. For the purpose of this section, the two divisions ofthe Circuit Court of the City of Richmond shall be deemed to be separatecourts.
(Code 1950, § 8-208.8; 1973, c. 439; 1977, c. 617; 1979, c. 269; 1996, c.332; 1999, c. 221; 2000, c. 251; 2006, c. 306; 2009, c. 790.)