§ 8.01-384.1. Interpreters for deaf in civil proceedings.
In any civil proceeding in which a speech-impaired or hearing-impaired personis a party or witness, the court may appoint a qualified interpreter toassist such person in the proceeding. The court shall appoint an interpreterfor any speech-impaired or hearing-impaired person who requests thisassistance.
Interpreters for the deaf in these proceedings shall be procured through theDepartment for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing.
Any person who is eligible for an interpreter pursuant to this section maywaive the use of an interpreter appointed by the court for all or a portionof the proceedings. A person who waives his right to an interpreter mayprovide his own interpreter at his own expense without regard to whether theinterpreter is qualified under this section.
The compensation of interpreters appointed pursuant to this section shall befixed by the court and paid from the general fund of the state treasury ormay, in the discretion of the court, be assessed as a part of the cost of theproceedings.
The provisions of this section shall apply in both circuit courts anddistrict courts.
(1982, c. 444.)