§ 8.01-385. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
1. The term "United States" shall be deemed to refer to the United Statesof America and to include any of its territories, commonwealths, insularpossessions, the District of Columbia, and any of its other politicalsubdivisions other than states.
2. The term "court" shall be deemed to include the courts of thisCommonwealth, any other person or body appointed by it or acting under itsprocess or authority in a judicial or quasi-judicial capacity, and any otherjudicial, quasi-judicial, or fact-finding body acting pursuant to the laws ofthe Commonwealth, including without limitation, the State CorporationCommission and the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission.
3. The term "political subdivision" shall: (i) as applied to the UnitedStates, include any other political subdivision other than states andincluding without limitation the District of Columbia and the Commonwealth ofPuerto Rico; (ii) as applied to other countries, include without limitationstates, counties, cities, towns, boroughs, and any division thereofrecognized and vested with the authority to enact or promulgate ordinances,rules, and regulations having the force or effect of law; (iii) as applied tothis Commonwealth and other states of the United States, include withoutlimitation counties, cities, towns, boroughs, and any other division thereofrecognized and vested with the authority to enact or promulgate ordinances,rules, and regulations having the force or effect of law.
4. The term "agency" shall be deemed to include without limitation anydepartment, division, commission, association, board, or other administrativebody established pursuant to the laws of a jurisdiction.
(1977, c. 617.)