§ 8.01-390. Nonjudicial records as evidence.
A. Copies of records of this Commonwealth, of another state, of the UnitedStates, of another country, or of any political subdivision or agency of thesame, other than those located in a clerk's office of a court, shall bereceived as prima facie evidence provided that such copies are authenticatedto be true copies either by the custodian thereof or by the person to whomthe custodian reports, if they are different.
B. An affidavit signed by an officer deemed to have custody of such anofficial record, or by his deputy, stating that after a diligent search, norecord or entry of such record is found to exist among the records in hisoffice is admissible as evidence that his office has no such record or entry.
(1977, c. 617; 1996, c. 668; 2000, c. 334.)