§ 8.01-393. When book or paper or equivalent in clerk's office lost,destroyed, or illegible to be again recorded.
When any such book, or any book, microfilm record, or record in other formcontaining the record of wills, deeds, or other papers, or any other paperfiled in a clerk's office, is lost, destroyed, or is illegible, the clerk inwhose office such book or paper was, upon the production to him of anyoriginal paper which was recorded in such book, or of an attested copy of therecord thereof, or of anything else in such book, or of any paper so filed,shall, on application, record the same anew. The record shall show whether itis made from an original or a copy, and how the paper from which it was madewas authenticated or attested. Such record shall have, as far as may be, thesame effect that the record or paper for which it is substituted would havehad.
(Code 1950, § 8-281; 1977, c. 617.)