§ 8.01-416. Affidavit re damages to motor vehicle.
A. In a civil action in any court, whether sounding in contract or tort, torecover for damages to a motor vehicle in excess of $2,500, evidence as tosuch damages may be presented by an itemized estimate or appraisal sworn toby a person who also makes oath (i) that he is a motor vehicle repairman,estimator or appraiser qualified to determine the amount of such damage ordiminution in value; (ii) as to the approximate length of time that he hasengaged in such work; and (iii) as to the trade name and address of hisbusiness and employer. Such estimate shall not be admitted unless by consentof the adverse party or his counsel, or unless a true copy thereof is mailedor delivered to the adverse party or his counsel not less than seven daysprior to the date fixed for trial.
B. In a civil action in any court, whether sounding in contract or tort, torecover for damages to a motor vehicle of $2,500 or less, evidence as to suchdamages may be presented by an itemized estimate or appraisal sworn to by aperson who also makes oath (i) that he is a motor vehicle repairman,estimator or appraiser qualified to determine the amount of such damage ordiminution in value; (ii) as to the approximate length of time that he hasengaged in such work; and (iii) as to the trade name and address of hisbusiness and employer.
(1977, c. 617; 1980, c. 183; 1990, c. 724; 2010, c. 343.)