§ 8.01-449. How judgments are docketed.
A. The judgment docket required by § 8.01-446 may be kept in a well-boundbook, or any other media permitted by § 17.1-240. The date and time ofdocketing shall be recorded with each judgment docketed. The clerk of thecircuit court of any county using card files on July 1, 1975, may continue touse the card file system. The docketing may be done by copying the wording ofthe judgment order verbatim or by abstracting the information therefrom intoa book or into fixed fields of an electronic data storage system. Where aprocedural microphotographic system is used, the docketing may be done byrecording and storing a retrievable image of the judgment order, judgmentabstract, or other source document such as a certificate of assignment orrelease. Where an electronic imaging system is used, the document image shallbe stored in a data format which permits recall of the image. Any judgmentdocketed pursuant to this subsection shall contain the information requiredby subsection B.
B. Where a well-bound book is used for the judgment docket there shall bestated in separate columns (i) the date and amount of the judgment, (ii) thetime from which it bears interest, (iii) the costs, (iv) the full names ofall the parties thereto, including the address, date of birth and the lastfour digits of the social security number, if known, of each party againstwhom judgment is rendered, (v) the alternative value of any specific propertyrecovered by it, (vi) the date and the time of docketing it, (vii) the amountand date of any credits thereon, (viii) the court by which it was renderedand the case number, and (ix) when paid off or discharged in whole or inpart, the time of payment or discharge and by whom made when there is morethan one defendant. And in case of a judgment or decree by confession, theclerk shall also enter in such docket the time of day at which the same wasconfessed, or at which the same was received in his office to be entered ofrecord. There shall also be shown on such book the name of the plaintiff'sattorney, if any.
C. Error or omission in the entry of the address or addresses or the socialsecurity number or numbers of each party against whom judgment is renderedshall in no way affect the validity, finality or priority of the judgmentdocketed.
D. Beginning July 1, 2012, any judgment made available to subscribers viasecure remote access pursuant to § 17.1-294 shall contain only the last fourdigits of the social security number of any party. However, the informationotherwise required in the judgment docket pursuant to this section shall beprovided.
E. The attorney or party who prepares or submits the judgment for recordationhas the responsibility for ensuring that only the last four digits of thesocial security number are included in the judgment prior to the instrument'sbeing submitted for recordation. The clerk has the authority to reject anyjudgment that does not comply with the provisions of this section.
(Code 1950, § 8-377; 1973, c. 544; 1977, c. 617; 1982, c. 405; 1985, c. 171;1988, c. 420; 1996, c. 427; 1997, c. 579; 2007, cc. 548, 626; 2008, cc. 823,833; 2010, c. 430.)