§ 8.01-451. Judgments to be docketed and indexed in new names of judgmentdebtors; how execution may thereafter issue.
Whenever there is a judgment docketed and indexed, as required by § 17.1-249,and thereafter a judgment debtor whose name is so recorded changes his name,whether by marriage, court order, by a voluntary assumption of a new name orotherwise, the clerk of the court in which the judgment was obtained, uponsatisfactory proof that the judgment debtor has acquired a new name, shalldocket and index the judgment in the new name. Execution may thereafter issueagainst the judgment debtor in the prior name, the new name, or both. Theclerk may require the submission by any party interested in the judgment orby his duly authorized attorney or agent of a form similar to that set out in§ 8.01-446.1 indicating that the judgment debtor has acquired a new name, andstating the new name. Such form shall constitute satisfactory proof of thenew name. This section shall apply to all judgments obtained prior orsubsequent to the enactment hereof.
(Code 1950, § 8-378.1; 1950, p. 440; 1977, c. 617; 1998, c. 639.)