§ 8.01-454. Judgment, when paid, to be so noted by creditor.
In all cases in which payment or satisfaction of any judgment so docketed ismade, which is not required to be certified to the clerk under § 8.01-455, itshall be the duty of the judgment creditor, himself, or by his agent orattorney, to cause such payment or satisfaction by the defendant, whether inwhole or in part, and if there is more than one defendant, by which defendantit was paid or discharged, to be entered within thirty days after the same ismade, on such judgment docket. If the judgment has not been docketed, thenthe entry shall be made on the execution book in the office of the clerk fromwhich the execution issued. For any failure to do so, after ten days' noticeto do so by the judgment debtor, his agent or attorney, the judgment creditorshall be liable to a fine of up to fifty dollars. The entry of payment orsatisfaction shall be signed by the creditor, his duly authorized attorney orother agent, and be attested by the clerk in whose office the judgment isdocketed, or, when not docketed, by the clerk from whose office the executionissued; however, the cost of the release shall be paid by the judgment debtor.
(Code 1950, § 8-382; 1977, c. 617; 1988, c. 420.)