§ 8.01-456. Satisfaction of judgment when judgment creditor cannot be located.
Whenever a judgment debtor or anyone for him or any party liable on thejudgment wishes to pay off and discharge a judgment, of record in any clerk'soffice in this Commonwealth, when the judgment creditor cannot be located, hemay do so by paying into the court having jurisdiction over such judgment anamount sufficient to pay the principal, interest, and all costs duethereupon, together with the cost of entering necessary orders, and otherservice attendant upon the proceeding herein provided for, and satisfactionupon such judgment. Upon such payment, the court, by an order entered ofrecord shall direct the clerk to deposit the same at interest in any bankwhich is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and isdesignated in such order; to file evidence of such deposit in the office ofthe clerk in an appropriate file and shall be payable to the court enteringthe order for the benefit of the judgment creditor; and to enter upon thejudgment docket, where the judgment is docketed, the date of such deposit,the date of the entry of the order of the court receiving same, referring tothe number and page of the order book in which it is entered.
The judgment creditor or his attorney may have the money, so paid, to whichhe is entitled, upon application to the court therefor whenever it may appearto the court that it should be paid to him.
From and after the time of such payment, into the court, as aforesaid, theproperty of the defendant shall be free and clear of any lien created by anysuch judgment, or any execution issued thereupon.
(Code 1950, § 8-384; 1977, c. 617.)