§ 8.01-477. When executions may be quashed; how proceedings thereon stayed.
A motion to quash an execution may, after reasonable notice to the adverseparty, be heard and decided by the court which issued the execution. Suchcourt, on the application of the plaintiff in the motion, may make an orderstaying the proceedings on the execution until the motion be heard anddetermined, the order not to be effectual until bond be given in such penaltyand with such condition, and either with or without surety, as the court mayprescribe. The clerk from whose office the execution issued, shall take thebond and make as many copies of the order as may be necessary and endorsethereon that the bond required has been given; and a copy shall be served onthe plaintiff in the execution and on the officer in whose hands theexecution is placed.
(Code 1950, § 8-410; 1977, c. 617.)