§ 8.01-483. Return of officer on fieri facias; statement filed therewith.
Upon a writ of fieri facias, the officer shall return whether the moneytherein mentioned has been or cannot be made. If there is only part thereofwhich is or cannot be made, he shall return the amount of such part. Withevery execution under which money is recovered, he shall return a statementof the amount received, including his fees and other charges, and shall paysuch amount, except such fees and charges, to the person entitled. In hisreturn upon every execution, the officer shall also state in what manner acopy of the writ was served in accordance with § 8.01-487.1, whether or nothe made a levy of the same, the date and time of such levy, the date when hereceived such payment or obtained such satisfaction upon such execution and,if there is more than one defendant, from which defendant he received thesame.
(Code 1950, § 8-416; 1977, c. 617; 1986, c. 341.)