§ 8.01-506.2. Proceedings in court of county or city where execution debtorresides.
When pursuant to subsection B of § 8.01-506, a summons requires the executiondebtor to appear before a court of the county or city in which the executiondebtor resides, or of a county or city contiguous thereto, the executioncreditor may have the case filed or docketed in that court as follows:
1. The execution creditor shall file with that court an abstract of thejudgment rendered.
2. The execution creditor shall pay a fee to that court in accordance withthe provisions of § 16.1-69.48:2 or subdivision 17 of § 17.1-275.
3. After docketing or filing the abstract of judgment and payment of anyfees, the court shall issue the summons and any subsequent executions on thefiled or docketed judgment, including a subpoena duces tecum pursuant to §8.01-506.1, and shall conduct such hearings and enter such orders pursuant to§§ 8.01-507, 8.01-507.1, 8.01-508, 8.01-509, and 8.01-510 as may be required.
4. The execution creditor shall file in both courts any releases orsatisfactions of judgment.
(2005, c. 726.)