§ 8.01-518. When garnishee is personal representative of decedent.
If the person so summoned be the personal representative of a decedent, heshall answer in writing whether or not there is in his hands in his fiduciarycapacity, any sum of money owing to the judgment debtor, and if so, theamount thereof, if the same has been definitely determined, and when it willbe payable by him; and if such amount has not been definitely ascertained,the court shall continue the case, with direction to him to thereafter, andas soon as such amount has been definitely determined, report the same to thecourt, and say when it will be payable by him. In either event, and when theamount so owing to the judgment debtor has been definitely fixed anddetermined, the court shall direct the disposition of such fund to thecreditor of such other person or persons according as their rights may bedetermined.
(Code 1950, § 8-446; 1977, c. 617.)