§ 8.01-581.24. Standards and duties of mediators; confidentiality; liability.
A mediator selected to conduct a mediation under this chapter may encourageand assist the parties in reaching a resolution of their dispute, but may notcompel or coerce the parties into entering into a settlement agreement. Amediator has an obligation to remain impartial and free from conflicts ofinterest in each case, and to decline to participate further in a case shouldsuch partiality or conflict arise. Unless expressly authorized by thedisclosing party, the mediator may not disclose to either party informationrelating to the subject matter of the mediation provided to him in confidenceby the other. A mediator shall not disclose information exchanged orobservations regarding the conduct and demeanor of the parties and theircounsel during the mediation, unless the parties otherwise agree.
However, where the dispute involves the support of minor children of theparties, the parties shall disclose to each other and to the mediator theinformation to be used in completing the child support guidelines worksheetrequired by § 20-108.2. The guidelines computations and any reasons fordeviation shall be incorporated in any written agreement by the parties.
(2002, c. 718.)