§ 8.01-585. How accounts kept by receivers.
Each such general receiver shall keep an accurate and particular account ofall moneys received, invested and paid out by him, showing the respectiveamounts to the credit of each case in the court and designating in the itemsthe judgments, orders or decrees of court under which the respective sumshave been received, invested or paid out. No later than October 1 of eachyear, he shall make a report to his court showing the balance to the creditof each case in the court in which money has been received by him, the mannerof each case in the court in which money has been received by him, the mannerin which it is invested, the amounts received, invested or paid out duringthe year ending June 30 of the current year, the approximate date on whichthe moneys held for the beneficiaries will become payable, and the wholeamount then invested and subject to the future order of the court. A copy ofthe annual report shall be recorded in the trust fund order book. He shall,at any time when required by the court or the Auditor of Public Accounts soto do, furnish a statement of the amount subject to the order of the court inany case pending therein and any other information required by the court orthe Auditor of Public Accounts as to any money or other property under hiscontrol. He shall annually make formal settlement of his accounts before thecourt or before the commissioner mentioned in § 8.01-617 which settlementshall be recorded as provided in § 8.01-619.
(Code 1950, § 8-728; 1977, c. 617; 1988, c. 553; 1989, c. 69.)