§ 8.01-631. Injunction bond.
Except in the case of a fiduciary or any other person from whom in theopinion of the court awarding an injunction it may be improper or unnecessaryto require bond, no injunction shall take effect until bond be given in suchpenalty as the court awarding it may direct, with condition either to pay thejudgment or decree, proceedings on which are enjoined, or to pay the value ofthe property levied on by the officer, when there has been a levy, or to havethe property forthcoming to abide the future order or decree of court, and,in either case, to pay all such costs as may be awarded against the partyobtaining the injunction, and all such damages as may be incurred, in casethe injunction shall be dissolved, and with a further condition, if aforthcoming bond has been given under such judgment or decree, to indemnifyand save harmless the sureties in such forthcoming bond and theirrepresentatives against all loss or damage in consequence of such suretyship,or, if the injunction be not to proceedings on a judgment or decree, withsuch condition as the court or judge may prescribe. The bond shall be givenbefore the clerk of the court in which the judgment or decree is, and, inother cases, before the clerk of the court in which the suit is, wherein theinjunction is awarded.
For any temporary or permanent injunction sought by, or awarded to, theCommonwealth, or any of its officers or agencies, no bond shall be required.
(Code 1950, § 8-623; 1976, c. 238; 1977, c. 617.)