§ 8.01-195.2. Definitions.
As used in this article:
"Agency" means any department, institution, authority, instrumentality,board or other administrative agency of the government of the Commonwealth ofVirginia and any transportation district created pursuant to Chapter 45 (§15.2-4500 et seq.) of Title 15.2 and Chapter 630 of the 1964 Acts of Assembly.
"Employee" means any officer, employee or agent of any agency, or anyperson acting on behalf of an agency in an official capacity, temporarily orpermanently in the service of the Commonwealth, or any transportationdistrict, whether with or without compensation.
"School boards" as defined in § 22.1-1 are not state agencies nor areemployees of school boards state employees.
"Transportation district" shall be limited to any transportation districtor districts which have entered into an agreement in which the NorthernVirginia Transportation District is a party with any firm or corporation asan agent to provide passenger rail services for such district or districtswhile such firm or corporation is performing in accordance with suchagreement.
(1981, c. 449; 1986, cc. 534, 584; 1991, c. 23.)