§ 8.01-207. Who to collect purchase money and make deed; disposition ofproceeds of sale.
On or before the maturity of such bond the sheriff or other officer who madethe sale shall withdraw the bond from the clerk's office, leaving his receipttherefor and an attested copy thereof, and collect the same. So soon as thepurchase money has been paid, the sheriff or other principal officer, or thedeputy who acted in making the sale, shall, as commissioner, and in the nameof the Commonwealth, convey the land to the purchaser by deed executed at hiscosts, reciting the execution, the sale and the price of the land. Such deedshall pass to the purchaser all the interest which the party against whom theexecution issued had in the land at the date of the judgment or decree. Outof the money so collected the sheriff or officer who made the sale shall payall costs attending such execution and sale, the costs of a survey, if therewas one, all delinquent and unpaid taxes and levies on such land and the debtdue the Commonwealth, and the residue, if any, he shall pay to the judgmentdebtor.
(Code 1950, § 8-770; 1977, c. 617.)