§ 8.01-226.1. Civil immunity when participating in Lawyers Helping Lawyers.
Any person shall be immune from civil liability for, or resulting from, anyact, decision, omission, communication, finding, opinion or conclusion madeor conducted in connection with the investigation, intervention, counselingor monitoring of a lawyer, judge, paralegal, or other member of the legalprofession by "Lawyers Helping Lawyers," a Virginia nonprofit, nonstockcorporation dedicated to assisting members of the legal profession engaged insubstance abuse or suffering from mental illness, if such act, decision,omission, communication, finding, opinion or conclusion is made or conductedin good faith and without malicious intent.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to grant immunity to any claim bya client against a person licensed to practice law.
(1987, c. 527; 1992, c. 534; 2003, c. 571.)