§ 8.01-226.5:1. Civil immunity for school board employees supervisingself-administration of certain medication.
A. Any school principal or other employee of a school board who, in goodfaith, without compensation, and in the absence of gross negligence orwillful misconduct, supervises the self-administration of inhaled asthmamedications or auto-injectable epinephrine by a student, pursuant to §22.1-274.2, shall not be liable for any civil damages for acts or omissionsresulting from the supervision of self-administration of inhaled asthmamedications or auto-injectable epinephrine by such student. Further, no suchprincipal or school board employee shall be liable for any civil damages forany injuries or deaths resulting from the misuse of such auto-injectableepinephrine.
B. For the purposes of this section, "employee" shall include any personemployed by a local health department who is assigned to a public schoolpursuant to an agreement between a local health department and a school board.
(2000, c. 871; 2005, c. 785.)