§ 8.01-262. Category B or permissible venue.
In any actions to which this chapter applies except those actions enumeratedin Category A where preferred venue is specified, one or more of thefollowing counties or cities shall be permissible forums, such forums beingsometimes referred to as "Category B" in this title:
1. Wherein the defendant resides or has his principal place of employment or,if the defendant is a corporation, wherein its mayor, rector, president orother chief officer resides;
2. Wherein the defendant has a registered office, has appointed an agent toreceive process, or such agent has been appointed by operation of the law;or, in case of withdrawal from this Commonwealth by such defendant, whereinvenue herein was proper at the time of such withdrawal;
3. Wherein the defendant regularly conducts substantial business activity, orin the case of withdrawal from this Commonwealth by such defendant, whereinvenue herein was proper at the time of such withdrawal;
4. Wherein the cause of action, or any part thereof, arose;
5. In actions to recover or partition personal property, whether tangible orintangible, the county or city:
(a) Wherein such property is physically located; or
(b) Wherein the evidence of such property is located;
(c) And if subdivisions 5 (a) and 5 (b) do not apply, wherein the plaintiffresides.
6. In actions against a fiduciary as defined in § 8.01-2 appointed undercourt authority, the county or city wherein such fiduciary qualified;
7. In actions for improper message transmission or misdelivery wherein themessage was transmitted or delivered or wherein the message was accepted fordelivery or was misdelivered;
8. In actions arising based on delivery of goods, wherein the goods werereceived;
9. If there is no other forum available in subdivisions 1 through 8 of thiscategory, then the county or city where the defendant has property or debtsowing to him subject to seizure by any civil process; or
10. Wherein any of the plaintiffs reside if (i) all of the defendants areunknown or are nonresidents of the Commonwealth or if (ii) there is no otherforum available under any other provisions of § 8.01-261 or this section.
(1977, c. 617; 1978, c. 414; 1979, c. 331; 1985, c. 213; 1999, c. 73; 2004,c. 979.)