§ 8.7-303. Diversion; reconsignment; change of instructions.
(1) Unless the bill of lading otherwise provides, the carrier may deliver thegoods to a person or destination other than that stated in the bill or mayotherwise dispose of the goods, without liability for misdelivery, oninstructions from:
(a) the holder of a negotiable bill; or
(b) the consignor on a nonnegotiable bill notwithstanding contraryinstructions from the consignee; or
(c) the consignee on a nonnegotiable bill in the absence of contraryinstructions from the consignor, if the goods have arrived at the billeddestination or if the consignee is in possession of the tangible bill or incontrol of the electronic bill; or
(d) the consignee on a nonnegotiable bill if he is entitled as against theconsignor to dispose of them.
(2) Unless such instructions are noted on a negotiable bill of lading, aperson to whom the bill is duly negotiated can hold the bailee according tothe original terms.
(1964, c. 219; 2004, c. 200.)