§ 8.9A-707. Amendment of preeffective-date financing statement.
(a) Preeffective-date financing statement. In this section,"preeffective-date financing statement" means a financing statement filedbefore this title takes effect.
(b) Applicable law. After this title takes effect, a person may add or deletecollateral covered by, continue or terminate the effectiveness of, orotherwise amend the information provided in, a preeffective-date financingstatement only in accordance with the law of the jurisdiction governingperfection as provided in Part 3 (§ 8.9A-301 et seq.) of this title. However,the effectiveness of a preeffective-date financing statement also may beterminated in accordance with the law of the jurisdiction in which thefinancing statement is filed.
(c) Method of amending; general rule. Except as otherwise provided insubsection (d), if the law of this Commonwealth governs perfection of asecurity interest, the information in a preeffective-date financing statementmay be amended after this title takes effect only if:
(1) the preeffective-date financing statement and an amendment are filed inthe office specified in § 8.9A-501;
(2) an amendment is filed in the office specified in § 8.9A-501 concurrentlywith, or after the filing in that office of, an initial financing statementthat satisfies § 8.9A-706 (c); or
(3) an initial financing statement that provides the information as amendedand satisfies § 8.9A-706 (c) is filed in the office specified in § 8.9A-501.
(d) Method of amending; continuation. If the law of this Commonwealth governsperfection of a security interest, the effectiveness of a preeffective-datefinancing statement may be continued only under § 8.9A-705 (d) and (f) or §8.9A-706.
(e) Method of amending; additional termination rule. Whether or not the lawof this Commonwealth governs perfection of a security interest, theeffectiveness of a preeffective-date financing statement filed in thisCommonwealth may be terminated after this title takes effect by filing atermination statement in the office in which the preeffective-date financingstatement is filed, unless an initial financing statement that satisfies §8.9A-706 (c) has been filed in the office specified by the law of thejurisdiction governing perfection as provided in Part 3 (§ 8.9A-301 et seq.)of this title as the office in which to file a financing statement.
(2000, c. 1007.)