§ 9.1-106. Regional Criminal Justice Academy Training Fund; local fee.
There is created a special nonreverting fund to be administered by theDepartment, known as the Regional Criminal Justice Academy Training Fund.This Fund shall be established on the books of the Comptroller and any fundsremaining in such Fund at the end of the biennium shall not revert to thegeneral fund, but shall remain in the Fund. Interest earned on the Fund shallbe credited to the Fund. The Fund shall consist of moneys forwarded to theState Treasurer for deposit in the Fund as provided in §§ 16.1-69.48:1,17.1-275.1, 17.1-275.2, 17.1-275.3, 17.1-275.4, 17.1-275.7, 17.1-275.8, and17.1-275.9, which sums shall be deposited in the state treasury to the creditof the Fund. Money in the Fund shall be used to provide financial support forregional criminal justice training academies, and shall be distributed asdirected by the Department. Notwithstanding any other provision of law,nothing in this section shall prohibit a locality from charging a similar feeif the locality does not participate in a regional criminal justice trainingacademy and if the locality was operating a certified independent criminaljustice academy as of July 1, 2010.
Any and all funds from such local fee shall support the local academy.
Existing funds for the regional criminal justice training academies shall notbe reduced by either state or local entities as a result of the enactment ofChapter 215 of the Acts of Assembly of 1997.
(1997, c. 215, § 14.1-133.4; 1998, c. 872, § 9-178.2; 1999, c. 546; 2001, c.844; 2003, cc. 993, 1028; 2010, c. 746.)