§ 9.1-108.1. Executive Committee; authority; effect of certain actions.
A. The Board may establish an Executive Committee consisting of the Chairmanand seven members of the Board appointed by the Chair. The Chair shall servea term coincident with his term of office as Chairman of the Board and theother members of the Executive Committee shall serve terms of two years. Fivemembers of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum.
B. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to take any actionauthorized by this chapter including, but not limited to, hearing appeals bya regulant of a determination of a violation of regulations promulgated bythe Board.
C. Any decision rendered by the Executive Committee on appeals by a regulantof a determination of a violation of regulations promulgated by the Boardshall have the same effect as if made by the Board and shall be subject tojudicial review in accordance with the Administrative Process Act (§ 2.2-4000et seq.).
All other actions of the Executive Committee shall be acted upon by the fullBoard as soon as practicable.
(2008, c. 305.)