§ 9.1-115. Forfeiture of office for failing to meet training standards;termination of salary and benefits; extension of term.
A. Every person required to comply with the training standards adopted by theBoard, excluding private security services business personnel, who fails tocomply with the standards within the time limits established by theregulations adopted by the Board shall forfeit his office, upon receipt ofnotice, as provided in subsection B. Such forfeiture shall create a vacancyin the office and all pay and allowances shall cease.
B. Notice shall be by certified mail, in a form approved by the Board, to theofficer failing to comply and the chief administrative officer of the agencyemploying the officer. Notice shall be mailed to the State CompensationBoard, if approval of that Board of the necessity of his office orcompensation is required by law.
C. If the necessity for the officer or compensation of the officer isrequired by law to be approved by the State Compensation Board, that Board,upon receipt of notice as provided in subsection B, shall notify theComptroller, who shall cause payment of his compensation to cease as of thedate of receipt of the notice by the State Compensation Board of the notice.
D. It shall be the duty of the chief administrative officer of any agencyemploying a person who fails to meet the training standards to enforce theprovisions of § 9.1-114 and this section. Willful failure to do so shallconstitute misfeasance in office, and, in addition, upon conviction, shallconstitute a Class 3 misdemeanor.
(1981, c. 632, § 9-181; 2001, c. 844.)