§ 9.1-116. Exemptions of certain persons from certain training requirements.
The Director of the Department, with the approval of the Board, may exempt achief of police or any law-enforcement officer or any courthouse andcourtroom security officer, jail officer, dispatcher, process server, orcustodial officer or corrections officer of the Commonwealth or any politicalsubdivision who has demonstrated sensitivity to cultural diversity issues andhad previous experience and training as a law-enforcement officer, courthouseand courtroom security officer, jail officer, dispatcher, process server orcustodial officer or corrections officer with any law-enforcement orcustodial agency, from the mandatory attendance of any or all courses whichare required for the successful completion of the compulsory minimum trainingstandards established by the Board.
The exemption authorized by this section shall be available to alllaw-enforcement officers, courthouse and courtroom security officers, jailofficer, dispatchers, process servers and custodial officers, and correctionsofficers, regardless of any officer's date of initial employment, and shallentitle the officer when exempted from mandatory attendance to be deemed incompliance with the compulsory minimum training standards and eligible forthe minimum salary established pursuant to Article 3 (§ 15.2-1609 et seq.) ofChapter 16 of Title 15.2, provided that the officer is otherwise qualified.
(1981, c. 632, § 9-173; 1984, c. 515; 1988, c. 138; 2001, cc. 162, 844.)