§ 9.1-116.1. Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Fund; purpose;guidelines.
A. There is created the Virginia Sexual and Domestic Violence Victim Fund asa special nonreverting fund to be administered by the Department of CriminalJustice Services to support the prosecution of domestic violence cases andvictim services.
B. The Department shall adopt guidelines, the purpose of which shall be tomake funds available to (i) local attorneys for the Commonwealth for thepurpose of funding the cost of additional attorneys or to further dedicateexisting resources to prosecute felonies and misdemeanors involving domesticviolence, sexual violence, sexual abuse, stalking and family abuse, and (ii)law-enforcement authorities or appropriate programs, including civil legalassistance, to assist in protecting and providing necessary services tovictims of and children affected by domestic violence, sexual abuse, stalkingand family abuse.
C. A portion of the sum collected pursuant to § 16.1-69.48:1 as specified inthat section shall be deposited into the state treasury to the credit of thisFund in addition to any other monies appropriated, allocated or receivedspecifically for such purpose. The Fund shall be distributed according togrant procedures adopted pursuant to this section and shall be established onthe books of the Comptroller. Any funds remaining in such Fund at the end ofthe biennium shall not revert to the general fund but shall remain in theFund. Interest earned on the Fund shall be credited to the Fund.
D. The Department shall establish a grant procedure to govern funds awardedfor this purpose.
(2004, c. 375; 2006, c. 288.)