§ 9.1-127. Establishment of statewide criminal justice information system;duties of Board generally; assistance of other agencies; relationship toDepartment of State Police.
A. The Board shall provide for the coordination of the operation of astatewide comprehensive criminal justice information system for the exchangeof criminal history record information among the criminal justice agencies ofthe Commonwealth and its political subdivisions. The Board shall developstandards and goals for such system, define the requirements of such system,define system objectives, recommend development priorities and plans, reviewdevelopment efforts, coordinate the needs and interests of the criminaljustice community, outline agency responsibilities, appoint ad hoc advisorycommittees, and provide for the participation of the statewide comprehensivecriminal justice information system in interstate criminal justice systems.
B. The Board may request technical assistance of any state agency, board, orother body and such state entities shall render such assistance as isreasonably required.
C. The Department of State Police shall be the control terminal agency forthe Commonwealth and perform all functions required of a control terminalagency by the regulations of the National Crime Information Center.Notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary in this chapter, theCentral Criminal Records Exchange and the Department of State Police shallremain the central repository for criminal history record information in theCommonwealth, and the Department shall continue to be responsible for themanagement and operation of such exchange.
(1981, c. 632, §§ 9-170, 9-185; 1982, c. 473; 1984, cc. 515; 779; 1986, c.128; 1988, cc. 46, 560; 1990, c. 632; 1991, c. 345; 1994, cc. 850, 905; 1996,cc. 154, 866, 952; 1998, cc. 31, 471, 523; 1999, cc. 307, 495; 2000, c. 561;2001, c. 844.)